
Kai Sing has a strong interest in how machine learning applied to digital and molecular omics biomarkers can transform patient outcomes and healthcare provider productivity. Having completed her BSc in Human Sciences at UCL with first class honours, she is now pursuing an MSc at Imperial College London, adopting an evolutionary sciences perspective to genomics and bioinformatics.

In her work at Selvedge researching and analysing the issues that are critical to the startups that Selvedge invests in, she aims to deepen her knowledge of the biopharmaceutical and biomedical business sectors.

She is also responsible at Selvedge for tracking technological, fundraising and product developments with respect to new applications of artificial intelligence to healthcare and the life sciences.

Aside from her role Selvedge, she is also working with the Core Organising Committee for ALLOCATE®, a leading Tech VC to LP pitch and networking event in Europe.